Shop – equipment

Growing tomatoes from seed is great fun and immensely satisfying!

To get the most satisfaction it makes a difference having the right equipment as that makes the whole process simple and easy!


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 Bottle top waterer

Bottle Top Waterer for satering seeds and seedlingsA fantastically useful tool: a waterer that actually works. We use it to water in our seeds.

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 Capillary Matting
A roll of capillary mattingIf you grow tomatoes in pots capillary matting is a must. It acts as a reservoir supplying a steady supply of water to the pots.
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Five flat ‘T’ plant labels and one soft (4B) pencil.
Large T labels and pencilAlways label your plants as you want to remember the varieties you are growing! Pens and permanent marker pens will fade, a soft pencil is the only guaranteed method.
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 Jiffy-7 pellets (38mm)
Jiffy-7 pellets for sowing seedTen 38mm compressed pellets that expand to 41x42mm compost plugs when soaked in water. Though not as good as using loose compost in a seed tray for germination, these plugs make raising tomato seedlings very simple and easy.
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Mini Seed Tray
Robust, mini seed traysA quarter sized seed tray that is perfect for growing small amounts of tomato seed. The seed tray is high quality and so robust it will last a life-time.
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Phostrogen; all purpose plant food
A water soluable, “all purpose” fertiliser excellent for growing tomato plants. It is high potash and has a wide range of trace elements.
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